
Programmes Offered 

Teachers’ Professional Upgradation Programmes


These include subject-specific programmes devoted to content knowledge of a particular discipline like physics, chemistry, mathematics etc.; training on making and using low-cost science toys and workshops that focus on pedagogy and use of emerging technologies

Science Workshops & Seminars


Generally organized for either a single day or a couple of days, the prime objective of
seminars and workshops is to assemble like-minded intellectuals and professionals to trade ideas, thoughts, and views related to a specific topic, sometimes involving family and grandparents as well.


Science Clubs

The mission of Science club is to increase self-confidence and science literacy, by exposing students to more interesting and engaging topics. The research projects will culminate with the students.

Sunday Funday

A year long programme making Sundays more demonstrative by performing various hands-on activities on core principles of STEM.


Making holidays a “Solid hai”, residential camps act as a window to knowledge for students to explore various fields at one go.


Under our Hub & Spoke model, we thrive to reach the unreached by arranging various sessions at the door step of the school, to make them a part of the evolving process.


How To Register Your Child To Programs ?


Call For Inquiry

+91 70581 65404

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Get In Touch

Location:  Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati

Telephone: +91 70581 65404
